Sweet Urban Honey and Tips for Sourcing

Honey from the Neighborhood and Tips for Sourcing in Your Area

I am very lucky to have a beekeeper in my neighborhood who has been sharing her beautiful amber golden honey with those of thus in the ‘hood for many years now. A dear friend tipped me off to the flower/honey stand down the block during COVID.

Over the years the stand grew and Monica, who owns From the Hive, is also producing some gorgeous soaps, candles, candlesticks and more. Just yesterday I was buzzing down the road and saw her handwritten sign, “Local Honey.” Of course, I took that left hand turn and was pleased to find the Spring 2023 honey proudly displayed, The labeled informed that the honey was made from Fruit trees in Northwest Seattle. How Local is THAT? Yeah!

I forked over the requested amount, dropping the cash in a secure chute, and went on my way. Another knowledgeable neighbor was there buying a container and reporting to his little daughter, “There aren’t any honey sticks today.” This was clearly a bummer to the kid in the car!

According to the USDA it is estimated that there are between 139,600 and 212,000 beekeepers in the United States and many of these beekeepers are hobbyists who tend less than 25 hives.

This is an interesting fact to me because bees have to work really hard to make even the smallest amount. Apparently to make one pound of honey, honey bees have to tap two million flowers!

Here at my house, the honey from the ‘hood often gets used very simply. On a piece of breakfast toast. Perhaps in a vinaigrette with apple cider vinegar. Sometimes stirred onto a soothing cup of tea during cold and flu season. Or, drizzled over plain nonfat Greek yogurt topped with seasonal berries!

Do you have a source for local honey? If not, check your farmers market, local natural foods stores, or check this Locator from the National Honey Board.